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Sedation Dentistry – Wilmington, IL

Helping You Feel At-Ease In Our Dental Office

Patients of any age can feel anxious about visiting the dentist for a variety of reasons, including prior bad experiences or the fear of receiving bad news. We understand that this makes it hard to call us and schedule necessary treatments and routine appointments. That is why we offer sedation dentistry. We’ll work with you to determine which of our three different options for sedation dentistry in Wilmington, IL will be best for your needs. That way, you can feel more comfortable and relaxed while completing necessary dental treatments.

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Why Choose Grand Dental - Wilmington for Sedation Dentistry?

Nitrous Oxide Dental Sedation

Relaxed patient with nitrous oxide sedation dentistry mask in place

Nitrous oxide sedation is administered when you sit down in the treatment room. We’ll place a small nose mask on your face, which will allow you to breathe in the colorless, odorless nitrous oxide gas, frequently called “laughing gas”. Within a few minutes, you’ll begin to feel the effects wash over you, causing you to feel a wave of euphoria. After the procedure, the effects of nitrous oxide will wear off soon after the mask is removed, allowing you to go about your day as normal.

Oral Conscious Dental Sedation

Man holding oral conscious sedation dentistry pill

Oral conscious sedation is a great option for patients who experience moderate to severe anxiety at the thought of visiting the dentist. About an hour before your appointment, you’ll take a prescribed oral medication. When you arrive at our dental office, you’ll feel relaxed and at-ease, allowing us to begin the treatment. Because the effects will linger both before and after your visit, you’ll need to have a trusted friend or family member drive you to and from our dental office.

IV Dental Sedation

I V sedation dentistry drip

Even severe anxiety and fear can be remedied with IV sedation. We’ll administer the sedative directly into the bloodstream, causing the effects to work quickly. You’ll remain conscious throughout the entire procedure, but you likely won’t remember a thing. This is a great benefit for patients who have have had traumatic dental experiences in the past. This method can also helpful for patients who need extensive treatment that would be difficult and stressful to undergo in one sitting.

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